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The Birthing of a Global Brand

Updated: Sep 11, 2021

A Brand? Global? Little me, 5'0? Can you imagine the anxiety?

The birthing of a global brand that promotes the Word of God and is built on biblical truth. No, way I thought. No way! I will be like Stephen that was stoned for the truth (Acts 7:54-60) or perhaps Paul who preached the Gospel relentlessly without turning back despite the many obstacles (Acts, Romans, etc). Or maybe even David who was consistently at war with his enemies (1 Samuel 16). As I sat and pondered what the Lord was doing in and through me, there was a fire that burned. I could not let this go. After all, I thought, was being Stephen, Paul or David a bad thing? NO!

So I decided to take my cross and walk with it. I became the carrier for Incense of Heaven in 2018 during a fast. I was reminded that "if God planted a seed in me, I had to be fertile ground to Him". So there I was, pregnant not knowing what I was going to do with this baby. What was it? Boy? Girl? Twins? None of that, God said "GLOBAL". Yes, my anxiety rose even more. How could a young lady that grew up in a poverty stricken community birth GLOBAL? Where was the blueprint? Who was going to hold my hand and tell me the next steps? No one. Jesus was my blueprint and obedience was my destination guide!

Stay with me, I promise we are going somewhere.

I prayed until God revealed to me just what He wanted me to do. He said candles and I did not hesitate to educate myself and learn all I could to show myself approved of the thing that God had entrusted me with. To assure me He gave me this vision, I had a dream that I was giving birth to a baby. In the delivery room, the doctor and nurse left me because they said they had never seen a baby like this neither a delivery like what was taking place. They went for help but during the time of their absence, I birthed the baby, cut the cord, cleaned the baby and myself then swaddled the baby holding it closely to my chest. I knew Incense of Heaven was to be protected at all cost. I walked out to let everyone know that I had birthed the baby and it was healthy. Around the corner, awaited my family and supporters.

Fast forward, 2020 was the year that the world was reset and individuals got to learn more of themselves and God. It was not an ideal time to launch anything because everyone was trying to hold on to everything they possibly could. On June 1, 2020 was the initial launch of Incense of Heaven. I had no clue what to do with the baby so I rolled with. I did the best I could to bring the vision to life. It was off to a good start but I could still feel it was not the vision that was intended. Just as sometime the baby formula have to be switched, I had to switch up some things to get the "identity" God was trying to establish for Incense of Heaven.

I fasted and prayed to see if God wanted me to accept everything that was offered and how did He want this business to run. Remember, once you receive the vision and impartation, God is still your business partner and ultimately CEO. You are the conduit He chooses to use to bring glory to His name.

There you have it, Incense of Heaven was birthed out of obedience to the Father. There were many times between 2018 - 2021 that defeat tried to sit in on me, but I do believe that I understand what Jeremiah felt when he stated, "But His word was in my heart like a burning fire Shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, And I could not" (Jeremiah 20:9, NKJV). I could not give up on this; I knew it was special and I knew God had called me to it. I searched the entire web and it was no where to be found. Purpose was fighting for this baby even when I was weak. Purpose pushed me, purpose kept my fire lit, purpose was the midwife in the delivery room.

The Takeaway: No matter how difficult it seems, keep pushing. You can birth alone but what I have come to learn on this journey is that it truly takes a village. God is a God of relationship. They are important to Him and should be to us as well. Do not neglect to unwrap the person who may be holding your next blessing or key to the next level in your hand. Though I saw the vision, Abbigale of Be of Good Comfort Designs (BOGC Designs) created the vision. My family and friends supported the vision and so many people who were once strangers, now repeat customers assist in the mission of the company, "Scenting the Gospel Across the Globe".

Don't forget to leave a comment. Share your thoughts and feelings. I love hearing from you.

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